• Website Design Trends are Changing

    Website Design Trends are Changing

    Website design is evolving faster than ever, and here’s why. In the early 90s there was no such thing as high-speed internet.

  • How to make your website faster

    How to make your website faster

    Faster websites perform better in search results. Here are a few ideas on how to boost the speed of your website and get more visitors.

  • Wayback Machine

    Wayback Machine

    Wayback Machine is a part of the Internet Archive (IA) project set up in 1996. IA has been archiving the internet since then. That’s 26 years of web history across 735 billion web pages, all at your fingertips.

  • How can I reduce spam from my website?

    How can I reduce spam from my website?

    There are a number of ways to reduce spam that comes via your website. Here are a few things you can try to keep it out of your inbox.

  • 6 Ways to secure your WordPress website

    6 Ways to secure your WordPress website

    Here are six things you should consider to keep your WordPerss website secure. The longevity and reliability of your website depends on being properly secured.