New Website Design

Build a new website with Clear Design

Let’s build you a new site!

Most businesses need an online presence that supports their aspirations and growth. We build websites to match a company’s online requirements. A well designed site needs to generate income, strengthen your brand and support your team.

Every new website we build is driven by results laid out by our clients. The expectations and complexity of contemporary websites are continually rising, leaving some businesses with an out of date online presence.

With many years of experience in the digital arena, Clear Web Design has the knowledge and tools to build you a gorgeous and functional new website tailored to meet your business requirements. We build sites for new and established business up and down the country and across all sectors.

Don’t just build a new site, build your business. 

New Website design

What is the design process?

When we set out to build a new website, we first learn as much as we can about you and your business. Once we have set and agreed on the objectives of the new site, we set to work. The process can be broken into six easy steps:

Step 1: Information gathering
We always begin by getting to know what it is that you want from your website. In this step we can advise on best practices and suggest ways to fulfil your objectives.

Step 2: Site Structure
Every website needs to have navigation. Clear Web Design will assess the objectives laid out in step 1 and devise a navigation structure for your site. We will present this to you for approval before continuing to the layout of each of the web pages.

Step 3: Page Layout
Once we have agreed on the navigation, our team can begin designing the layout of each of the web pages. This can be done using placeholder images and dummy (latin) text. You will receive a secure link and password to a development area for your site where you can view and approve each page’s layout.

Step 4: Content Insertion
Our team then introduces content into the agreed layout of each page.

To avoid duplicating or repeating work unnecessarily, Clear Web Design waits until we have received all of the content for the website before undertaking this portion of the work.

Step 5: Testing and Sign-off
Once all pages are complete, we ask you to view and approve the website. Interactive elements, such as forms and shopping carts, will be tested at this stage. The website remains in a secure development area until your final approval is received.

Step 6: Go Live!
Exciting times! Once everything has been tested and approved, we pair your website up with your domain name and Voila, your website is live.


Content Creation: If you don’t have all of the content you need for a new website, Clear Web Design can assist with writing copy, photography and illustration. We’re happy to design logos too, for new businesses, products or services. Please don’t hesitate to ask.

Why WordPress?

WordPress is and open-source content management system (CMS) that allows us to create amazing websites. Launched in 2003 it is now the most widely used CMS worldwide, powering roughly 810 million websites. This represents around 43% of all websites compared to Squarespace: 2.1%, Shopify: 3.9% and Wix: 2.5%.

Why is WordPress so popular?

Because WordPress is an open-source CMS, it’s code is “unlocked”. This is evident in WordPress’s unrivalled extensibility and functionality.

WordPress is also a powerful platform for search engine optimisation (SEO), attracting traffic organically. Even without a dedicated SEO plugin, WordPress offers search engine friendly URLs, utilises H-tags, lets us configure metadata and much more – right out of the box. No other platform is that SEO savvy.


Creativity creativity creativity!

With the release of WordPress 6.2 and now 6.3, designers have been given more scope for creativity than ever before. Until recently we have relied on using pre-designed ‘themes’ to get close to a client’s design wishes. Typically, designers then ply the websites they are creating with layers of code and even more plugins to bend the theme to match their client’s brief. This bloats the website, slowing it down unnecessarily.

WordPress’s own lightweight theme that now comes with version 6.3 as standard, allows Clear Web Design to created websites without unnecessary third party themes, very little coding with few or no design plugins. WordPress 6.3 is a designer’s dream, allowing creativity to flourish from directly within WordPress.

Working in this new lean and creative way has other benefits too. New websites are faster, more reliable, more secure, easier to manage and perform better in search results. Life just got better for WordPress designers and owners alike.

Commission your new website today!

Other Services

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Website Updates

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e-Commerce Icon


Sell your products, services or online courses right on your website.

There’s even a good chance your current site can be updated to sell online.

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Web Audits

Unsure just how well your website is currently performing?

Let us run some tests and provide you with an in-depth report. Squeeze the most out of your online presence.


We offer three levels of hosting. Depending on how involved you want to be in your website maintenance, choose between basic, managed and fully maintained hosting.

Local SEO

Local Search Engine Optimisation is exactly what it says on the tin. It basically boils down to SEO for a specific geographic region.

Reach more customers.